We've been keeping busy the past few months. Here's what we've been up to:
Eating new things (he loves shaved turkey and fresh fruit):
Crawling around, chasing big brother and sister:
Having fun in the bath tub:
Pulling up and cruising around:
Having fun at Valentine's Parties:
Humoring Mommy by taking silly V-Day pictures:
Here's my littleist Valentine (his first):
Bear, showing off his favorite shirt ;) (he wasn't feeling well, at all)
Having fun at Kiddie Acres with friends:

Having fun bowling with friends:
Playing after school (the kids love to play on the rocks after school - I love that all they need is a little nature and a few friends to have a blast!)

Playing with Daddy:
Dressing up and pretending to cook:
Playing in the snow at Pappy's:
The expression on his face is priceless!
Sweet Pea LOVED the snow! She played in it for hours - even after making snow angels and getting her clothes wet!
Bear wasn't a big fan of the cold, but he couldn't pass up the chance to help with the snowmen and to play with sticks!
Daddy took the kids for a ride in his new bike trailor on Sunday (then we all went swimming in the hot tub):
And here's our back yard on Tuesday:
Poor baby A - Mommy made him take a lot of pictures in the cold snow:
After all of that playing, we all need a little rest :)...