Since it's Spring Break and we didn't have a nanny yesterday, I decided to take a mommy day with the kids since I won't be able to do that much in the near future. I thought the zoo would be a great adventure and we hadn't been since we moved. Now, I had heard (through a fellow blogger who was kind enough to share some Austin area tips) that the zoo wasn't even worth the gas to get there, but I thought, "my kids are young enough to appreciate anything more than a dog and cat, and really, how bad could it be"? I mean everyone says the Dallas zoo is bad and I happen to love it. I should also mention that I had a hour or so worth of consistent contractions Sunday night, so I figured I should stay close to home. So off we went to the Austin zoo... until we pulled into the rocky parking lot adjacent to the trailer home they call the entrance. I wish I would have taken a picture, you can't even imagine how bad it was - it looked like a farm with a petting zoo. I was SOOO disappointed. But, I knew Sweet Pea and Bear would be even more disappointed if we didn't go to the zoo like I had promised. So being the rational, 9-month pregnant mom of two that I am, I drove straight to the exit and changed my GPS destination to the San Antonio zoo. 96 miles to go, she said. And off we went :).
The actual zoo experience was great. We saw the rhinos, lions, tigers, jaguars (up close), black leopards, zebras, black bears, monkeys, etc. The kids loved it (especially Bear). Just when I started to appreciate the ease of the trip, Sweet Pea said she needed to tee-tee. Normally this wouldn't be a big deal (even though I CANNOT stand public restrooms, before kids I wouldn't dare use one), we would hurry in, she would do her business, we would wash our hands, and get out. But, lately Bear has been asking to "tee-tee" on the potty three or four times a day and this happened to be one of them. So, here I am in this small public restroom stall with a 3 year-old and 22 month old and we were all taking turns using the potty, passing the backpack around and not touching ANYTHING (and cheering with every little squirt that Bear let out :) ). In the midst of the chaos, my friend Kerry called. I was so tempted to answer just so I could laugh about it with someone who would understand! Oh, and this was my first experience with a little boy going potty in a public restroom. I held him up at an angle, like the olympic snow ski jumpers, next to the potty (I still need to ask N if that is the right way to do it?!?). Thankfully we made it out safely (and all clean).
I did take a few pictures with my cell phone during the day:

We made it home safe and sound and I know this will be a trip I will remember for a long time. And I can only hope Sweet Pea and Bear do too!