Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Celebrating Jesus

"I can't wait for Easter, so we can celebrate Jesus". Yes, my little Sweet Pea said this a couple of days before Easter Sunday. I was so proud of her. I was proud of her for knowing that Easter is about Jesus and not just an oversized bunny that hops from house to house (seriously, how can we tell our kids this silliness? Isn't it an insult to their intelligence?). Of course we had the conversation about how we should celebrate what Jesus did for us everyday, not just Easter. She has actually been asking to hear stories about Jesus a lot lately. She even told me the story about when Jesus healed the 'blond' man and when Jesus fed thousands after he prayed over just 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. But, last night she asked me to read James chapter 3. I asked her why she chose that one and she said, "It's about how our tongues can get us in trouble." Sure enough, I opened her Bible to James 3 and the heading said "Taming the Tongue". Apparently she is getting a lot out of Chapel time at school. I love it!
So, the kids had a school-wide egg hunt at their school, they each had a hunt with their class, and we went to an egg hunt at our church. So, by the time Easter morning came around, they were good at hunting. Although, we did have to give Bear a few hints to help him find the last few.

After all of the morning fun, we dressed the kids in their Easter clothes. As soon as Bear saw his clothes he said, "I am not wearing that - Pink is for girls" N and I were cracking up, but Bear was serious. N decided to take this chance to teach him a lesson - "You will do what the woman in your life asks you to do". I think the struggle was worth it - the kids looked pretty cute :).

So, then we headed to church. The service was AMAZING! I think I got the chills about a dozen times from the music. Easter is by far my favorite holiday. I can remember watching the Passion Play every year when I was younger and just being in awe. I mean, Jesus loves us so much that he suffered and died for us! I always get emotional when I think about it.
Here are some more pics
Andy isn't a big fan of Sunday School...
Afterwards, he was just fine...


  1. What a little sponge SP is. She must make Jesus so happy! :) The kids looked adorable!

  2. i love it!

    and tell sp that i am so thankful jesus is willing to heal us blondes! :)

