Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Happy 5 Months!

Baby A turned 5 months on August 25th. My youngest baby is growing and thriving. I know I have said it before, but really, he is a perfect baby. Maybe it's because our first two were a little, ummm, challenging.
He smiles, laughs, rolls over both ways, sits up with help, grabs things with both hands and can even bring things to his mouth. He loves bath time and swimming - he kicks and splashes the water while laughing. He hugs, walks in his walker, and he loves to be in the mix with his brother and sister.
We have decided to wait until after his six month check up to feed him cereal. He's still waking up once or twice every night, but I love that snuggle time with him, I really do.
He has moved to his crib - this is a picture of him as he's taking his first nap in his crib...

I am trying to cherish every minute of each of my babies' lives, I know I will miss this season. But, isn't it amazing how God makes each day special in it's own way? Every time I turn around one of these sweet blessings does something that makes my heart smile.


  1. I love reading your blog. It makes me truly appreciate my kiddos and what time I do have with them!! You really are a GREAT mom!

  2. you are an awesome mom, girl! love watching them grow up! but if he is 5 months old, that means i haven't seen you in 5 months!!! can't wait for the run!

  3. What a sweet baby he is. You do an amazing job with all 3 of your kiddos.

  4. He is just so sweet. I can't believe I have not met him yet... :(
